AAAJ-Chicago White Logo Transparent.png

CAAU has organized Art Advancing Justice.

An online benefit fundraiser modeled after an art sale, April 28th - May 22nd, 2021.

Art will be gifted for a donation to:

Asian Americans Advancing Justice|Chicago.

There are 137 works of art and books available.

#ArtAdvancingJustice is organized through a partnership between Chicago API Artists United and Asian Americans Advancing Justice|Chicago.


Asian Americans Advancing Justice|Chicago has provided a unique donation page to directly support the organization, to elevate #ArtAdvancingJustice. This is for those that would like to make an additional donation to Asian Americans Advancing Justice|Chicago, in an effort to advance justice even further. This is also for those that need to know where to direct corporate matching.

Please note that receiving art for #ArtAdvancingJustice is featured through the Chicago API Artists United website, CAAU.net, exclusively.